Community Action of Greene County

Community Action of Greene County will be at the Prattsville Art Center, 14562 Main Street in Prattsville on Fridays from 10 am until 3 pm to offer free weatherization assistance, job search assistance, housing assistance, domestic violence assistance, income tax assistance, crime victims’ assistance, and wheels to work auto loans. Some programs may require income eligibility. Call (518) 943-9205 for more information.

The Knights of the Road

The Knights of the Road, Mountain Top Little League has a recycling container for bottles and cans at the former Kalliopi’s Restaurant on South Street, opposite Windham Mountain Inn. All proceeds benefit the Mountain Top Little League.

Windham Community Food Pantry

The Windham Community Food Pantry at Hope Restoration Christian Fellowship, Route 296 in Windham is open every second and third Saturday from 9 am until noon, and every third Thursday from 6-8 pm.

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon that enables customers to donate to the charitable organization of their choosing. Visit, sign in as you would with, select a charity either by entering a name, a town and state, or several key words in the search box, and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of any eligible purchases you make to benefit that organization.

Recycling container for bottles and cans

The Knights of the Road, Mountain Top Little League has a recycling container for bottles and cans at the former Kalliopi’s Restaurant on South Street, opposite Windham Mountain Inn. All proceeds benefit the Mountain Top Little League.